Fall Theological Conference 2024
Fall Theological Conference 2024 “Washed in the Same Waters: Rediscovering Baptism in Turbulent Times”
In his Small Catechism, Martin Luther defined God as that in whom or in which we place our ultimate trust. That tracks nicely with the First Commandment, in which God says that God is a jealous God. Also, says God, FYI: no other gods. As it is, though, we happen to live in a time where there are more gods than one can shake an Ebenezer at. It’s paramount, therefore, that rostered leaders immerse ourselves and our congregations in baptism, which can’t be done without immersing ourselves in a deeper understanding of who God is. In our time together, we will remind ourselves of who God is, and how that understanding informs what God promises us, what we promise God, and what in God’s name we renounce. Last, but not least, we’ll tap into our inner Luther and collectively ask, in a very practical way, “But What Does This Mean?”, so that we leave not only refreshed and recentered, but also empowered to steward our time together within this time in history as people in and of the Church.