Welcome and Reconciling Team's one-day Retreats across the Synod

Retreat topics include

the stories of LGBTQIA+ people of faith, reality of intersectionality, and congregational allies.

Join the Synod’s Welcome and Reconciliation Team–learning, community building, and discernment!

Lay Leader Network February Seminar "The Multi-generational Church: Declaring our Identity, Purpose, and Belonging"

All are welcome! Bring a small group from your church or attend via Zoom

February 22, 2025     9:00 –  4:00 PM    Bethlehem LC — Brainerd, MN  Cost $15

Come energize your faith and sense of call/service via guided exercises and dialogue with multi-generational lay leaders in the Synod!

Post-Election Resources

The ELCA and our partners in faith have resources readily available to support our walk through the post-election period as a community of faith.


Join us anytime for conferences, retreats, study, fellowship and more!