Quilt and Kit Ministry for Lutheran World Relief — Important UPDATE

If you make and assemble quilts or kits for neighbors in need around the world, then you are a member of the Quilt & Kit Ministry at Lutheran World Relief — and this important update about the Quilt & Kit Tracker.

The Tracker was launched in 2013, and now the technology behind the Tracker is obsolete.

As of May 15, the Quilt & Kit Tracker is officially out of service. Barcodes should no longer be used and no reports or updates will be generated.

NE MN Synod Women of the ELCA will meet Zion Lutheran Church, Grand Rapids on June 12 and 13 for Summer Convention/Gathering. Halvor Lines is again providing a semi-truck and driver for churches and organizations who make quilts and kits for Lutheran World Relief and/or Global Health Ministries to drop their boxes at the Quilt Truck.

The Truck hours are Monday and Tuesday, June 12 and 13 from 8:30 until 1 pm when volunteers will be available to help load boxes into the truck. All boxes should be marked with contents and on all 4 sides with the address:

Lutheran World Relief Warehouse
398 Richmond Street E
South St. Paul, MN 55075

Global Health Ministries
7831 Hickory Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55432